Unraveling Amazon A+ Content: A Comprehensive Guide

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What is Amazon A+ Content?

Amazon A+ content (also known as Enhanced Brand Content), is a premium content feature that allows brand owners to enhance their Amazon product listings with rich media. This service provides a platform for sellers to showcase their product’s unique value proposition through the use of advanced amazon infographics, high-definition videos, comparison charts, and high-quality images.

A+ content is designed to help Amazon sellers create engaging, informative, and brand-centric product descriptions that can significantly enhance customer shopping experiences.

Is A+ Content on Amazon Worth It?

Investing in A+ content can prove to be a strategic move for Amazon sellers. The visually-appealing presentation of product features and benefits can significantly improve customer understanding, leading to reduced returns and increased conversion rates. A study by Amazon suggests that A+ content can boost sales by an average of 3-10%. However, the effectiveness varies depending on the product category, quality of the content, and the competitive landscape.

unraveling amazon a+ content: a comprehensive guide

How Do I Use A+ Content on Amazon?

Using A+ content involves a few steps:

  • Access the A+ Content Manager in the Advertising section of Seller Central.
  • Click on ‘Start creating A+ content’.
  • Select the SKU for which you want to create content.
  • Choose a template for your content or create a custom design.
  • Add images, text, and other elements according to the selected template.
  • Review and submit your content for Amazon’s approval.

Remember, A+ content should highlight the product’s features and benefits, provide detailed usage instructions, and showcase your brand’s story to create a personal connection with customers.

What is Amazon A+ Content and EBC?


EBC, or Enhanced Brand Content, was the predecessor to Amazon A+ content. Both share the same objective of enhancing product descriptions with rich media, but Amazon rebranded EBC as A+ content after expanding the feature to include more advanced modules and availability to all brand-registered sellers. The term EBC is often still used interchangeably with A+ content.

How Much Does Amazon A+ Cost?


As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Amazon offered A+ content for free to all sellers enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry. However, a premium version, known as A++ content, is also available at a significant cost, offering more advanced features and greater customization options. For the most current pricing, sellers should check the official Amazon A+ content page.

How Long Does It Take for A+ Content to be Approved by Amazon?


Typically, it takes Amazon around seven business days to review and approve A+ content. However, this timeline can vary depending on the volume of submissions Amazon is handling at any given time.

Amazon checks the content for compliance with their guidelines, so it’s crucial to ensure that your content meets all the requirements before submission to avoid unnecessary delays.

Does A+ Content Increase Sales on Amazon?


A+ content can significantly influence purchasing decisions by providing customers with a comprehensive understanding of a product’s features, benefits, and usage.

The rich media and compelling storytelling elements offered by A+ content can lead to higher conversion rates, customer engagement, and repeat purchases. As mentioned earlier, Amazon suggests that A+ content can boost sales by an average of 3-10%.

However, the real impact can vary widely depending on factors such as the product category, the quality of the A+ content created, and how it is implemented.

What is the Purpose of A+ Content?

The primary purpose of A+ content is to provide customers with detailed and rich information about a product and its benefits, thereby enhancing the online shopping experience.

This goes beyond standard product descriptions, allowing sellers to tell their brand story, showcase their products in use, and explain complex features visually. This, in turn, can help reduce pre-purchase uncertainty, increase customer confidence, and ultimately drive higher conversion rates and brand loyalty.

How Many Modules are in Amazon A+ Content?

Amazon A+ content is based on a modular system, with a variety of modules available for use. These modules range from text modules, image modules, comparison charts, to product showcase modules.

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there are around 12 different modules available in the A+ content creation tool. However, Amazon continues to add new modules and enhance existing ones, so sellers should always check the most recent offerings on the Amazon A+ content page.

Will an A+ Certification Get Me a Job?


It’s important to note here that the A+ Certification, in this context, refers to a certification offered by CompTIA, a leading provider of professional certifications for the IT industry.

The A+ certification is a fundamental certification that validates a candidate’s understanding of computer systems. While it doesn’t guarantee a job, it can certainly enhance a job applicant’s profile and make them more competitive for entry-level IT roles.

However, most IT jobs will require additional skills and certifications along with practical experience.

Is A+ Certification Easy?

The CompTIA A+ Certification is considered an entry-level certification for IT professionals, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s easy. The certification exams test a wide range of IT skills, from hardware and software troubleshooting to networking and security.

The difficulty of the certification will largely depend on the individual’s prior knowledge and experience in these areas. It is generally recommended to have some hands-on experience or to complete a study course before attempting the A+ certification exams.

Is A+ Certification Enough?


While the A+ Certification can be a great starting point and can help individuals get their foot in the door in the IT industry, it’s typically not enough for more advanced roles.

Higher-level positions often require more specialized certifications and practical experience. Therefore, professionals should view the A+ Certification as a stepping stone and plan to pursue additional certifications and skills development as they advance in their careers.


In conclusion, Amazon A+ content is a powerful tool for Amazon sellers, providing an opportunity to enhance product listings with rich media and detailed descriptions. With potential benefits including increased sales and reduced returns, it’s certainly an investment worth considering. However, success with A+ content requires strategic implementation and consistent monitoring to ensure the content remains effective and relevant.

On the other hand, the A+ Certification in the IT industry is a solid foundation for IT professionals. While it doesn’t guarantee a job or define the extent of a career, it’s a valuable credential that can open doors to entry-level roles and pave the way for further professional development.


Amazon A+ content, also known as Enhanced Brand Content, is a premium feature that lets sellers enhance their product listings with rich media, including advanced text placements, HD videos, comparison charts, and high-quality images.

Yes, A+ content can significantly improve customer understanding, leading to reduced returns and increased conversion rates. Amazon suggests that A+ content can boost sales by an average of 3-10%.

You can create A+ content by accessing the A+ Content Manager in the Advertising section of Seller Central, selecting the SKU, choosing a template, adding images and text, and submitting your content for Amazon’s approval.

As of September 2021, A+ content is free for all sellers enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry. However, a premium version, A++ content, is available at a cost.

EBC, or Enhanced Brand Content, is the predecessor to Amazon A+ content. Both share the same objective of enhancing product descriptions with rich media, but Amazon rebranded EBC as A+ content after expanding the feature to include more advanced modules.

Typically, it takes Amazon around seven business days to review and approve A+ content. However, this timeline can vary depending on the volume of submissions Amazon is handling at any given time.

if you’re looking to increase your online conversion but still feel you are not sure where to start – check out these resources below:

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Tsour Lee

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