How product photography can increases sales conversions

how product photography can increases sales conversions

Selling products on your website gives you the advantage of being seen by a much larger audience. However, the internet can be an incredibly competitive platform. It cannot be effortless to have your products stand out.

The most critical aspect of effectively showcasing your products is to engage in professional product photography services. Engaging will optimize how your products are presented and increase consumer confidence in your brand, your products, and ultimately increase conversions.

There are some key trends in how to represent your products best online. It is no mistake that product photography increases conversions.

From the feedback received from companies that invest in a professional product photography service have a spike in sales. The new professional images are reflecting in their overall brand look and obviously in their success in the marketplace.

Trend 1: Clarity of Product Images


Clarity of product images sounds like a no-brainer; however, if you get it wrong, your sales will suffer. Consumers want clear and accurate product pictures that are not dark or overexposed. They want images that are with high resolution, with the capability of a close-up so they can see the full details.

Customers need multiple views from various angles so they can gain a greater understanding of the form and scale of your product.   It’s always better to have your product photographed in a studio environment with professional lighting and backdrops.

However, in some cases, products can also be shot on locations for lifestyle purposes.

Regardless of the product, a photographer can control how the product looks in the finished image. They can determine the best viewpoint and where the light reflects.

how product photography can increases sales conversions

Trend 2: Lifestyle Product Photography Increases Conversions


Lifestyle photography allows for your products to be placed in an environment and setting to show off how they are in real life. The plan is to immerse your buyers into that world so they can get a taste for how they could interact with that product. It is incredibly useful when well planned and executed effectively.

A professional product photographer can work with you to develop your lifestyle shoot. The photographer will plan the shoot, prepare studio space and lighting, plan out wardrobe and direct models, and see the project through to completion. Your lifestyle product shots can also feature in other marketing opportunities such as print mediums and social media advertising.

The images must represent the product as in its original form. This situation creates a narrative for the consumer to be absorbed. To be able to deliver your product to a target audience, lifestyle photography is one of the most compelling trends employed to increase conversions.
It allows your customers to imagine themselves owning and using your products.

how product photography can increases sales conversions

Trend 3: Infographics or Call Outs

Professionally designed infographics can be employed to highlight the main elements of your product. It prevents your customers from having to read text-heavy descriptions.

Infographics overlay a photograph allowing you to highlight and quickly describe the best aspects of your product. Infographics can be especially beneficial to point out technical aspects of your product in marketplaces such as Amazon.

Infographics don’t have to be just text points. They can be stylized graphic visuals, designed to complement your product, photographs, and your overall brand identity.

Something to note, though, while product photography increases conversions in marketplaces such as your eCommerce website, Amazon, Etsy, or eBay, a platform like Google Shopping requires a Pure white background. Therefore, understanding where you list your product photography images is vital to the setup of each shot.



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