How to Successfully Sell Jewelry on Amazon

With millions of sellers and even more buyers, Amazon is by far the hottest online marketplace for both retailers and consumers.  More so now than ever, people are heading online to purchase items that had previously been considered in-store-only purchases.


heading out to a box store to shop. So, how do new sellers make a path for themselves on Amazon when it comes to selling jewelry?

Amazon happens to have some of the strictest rules on the Internet for retailers selling both costume jewelry and “real” jewelry. Although it can be a pain to set up a listing on Amazon, the intense rules and regulations are all part of what makes this online marketplace a reputable place for consumers to purchase jewelry.

There are quite a few steps sellers will need to take to earn a prosperous spot on the site but, with the right amount of care taken,  it is possible! Consider these five essential steps to successfully sell jewelry on Amazon:

For example, just a few years ago it was not as common as it is today to purchase items such as clothing, technology devices, and even jewelry online. Previously, people only trusted physical stores when it came to buying these particular items.

Now, it is becoming more and more popular to buy expensive, coveted, or even specialized items online. Ultimately, making online purchases are more cost-effective than


Amazon’s Strict Rules for Selling Jewelry

Especially if you plan on selling jewelry made out of highly sought-after metals and stones such as gold, silver, diamonds,
or even sapphires, Amazon will require you to jump through a few hoops before you can hope to list your item.

First, your items will need to meet Amazon’s Jewelry Quality Assurance Standards. This will involve you need to know all about the item you are selling to such a degree that you can name the sizes and how many carats make up your item.

Amazon has different standards for retailers selling fashion jewelry as well to ensure consumers are not receiving false or faulty items. While there is quite a bit of frontloading of work before you can list jewelry on Amazon, there is potential for a high payoff. After all, the maximum price on Amazon to list a jewelry item is $300,000!

Gain Notoriety On Amazon

As mentioned above, there are millions of retailers already selling their items on Amazon. Many of those sellers are selling jewelry.

While the market can seem overly saturated at times, there is room for new sellers who take special care in listing their items and optimizing their descriptions for the most possible clicks and views.


It is essential that you, as a seller, pay close attention to all aspects of your listing. Specifically, here are some key areas that,
when properly SEO optimized, can bring a flood of consumers to your product’s page:

● Clickable and Descriptive Title
● Bullet Points of Main Features
● In-Depth Product Description
● Glowing Reviews and Comments

There are many opinions out there on the best methods to use when achieving a high product ranking on Amazon. For more tips and tricks, check out our article The Complete Guide to Amazon Product Ranking for 2020.

In addition to using SEO optimizing strategies to bring attention to your listing, you can make your potential customers more comfortable in purchasing from you by providing certain reassurances. For more expensive jewelry items, you can prove the quality of your metals and gems by supplying images of letters of authenticity.

In addition, you can attract more jewelry consumers with a promise and authentication that their item is considered “Fair Trade Jewelry”. This promises purchasers that their jewelry is conflict-free and no one was harmed in obtaining the precious aspects of their item.

Be Careful of Your Suppliers

cropped close up of a woman checking out a necklace at the jewelry store.

In relation to the last section, you want to take special precautions when finding a supplier for your jewelry items. Many jewelry retailers themselves are not precious metal and gem experts, and this makes them easy targets for unethical suppliers.

Do your research before you pick a supplier to send products to Amazon that will be sold on your page. Even if you are selling fashion jewelry you will want to make sure you are choosing a reputable seller. For example, many Amazon fashion jewelry retailers promise that their products will not tarnish over time.

However, if you peek into their review section you can see that this is sometimes not true at all. It is likely that these Amazon sellers were duped by untrustworthy wholesale suppliers. The last thing you want is to promise your buyers a precious metal like gold that results in a green tarnish a few months down the line.

Negative reviews claiming false advertising can severely hurt your Amazon listing, and it can also result in your listing being removed completely.

Dazzle Them With Great Photography

People purchase jewelry for many reasons. Some purchase engagement rings with the intent to propose to their girlfriend on Christmas Day. Others buy fashion jewelry for themselves at low prices with the intent to decorate their bodies for nights out on the town.

Whatever the reason, it is important to your Amazon marketplace listing that you include great product photography to catch the attention of your buyers. People purchase jewelry for how it looks, and so this makes it especially important that you dazzle your audience with captivating images.

There is quite a bit to consider when photographing jewelry in a manner that captures the true beauty of the piece. Brush up on your jewelry photography skills here and read our article about “How to Photograph Shiny Metal Objects”.

Keep Up With The Trends

how to successfully sell jewelry on amazon

For both fashion jewelry as well as “real” jewelry made with precious metals and gems, it is important to your listing’s success that you keep up with the current trends. You can have the best images and prices out there, but if your jewelry pieces are outdated it is unlikely that you will make a sale. Currently, dainty gold chains with small charms are trending pieces along with solitaire engagement rings with hefty diamonds.

Of course, just like anything else, jewelry trends change and evolve regularly and it can be difficult to know what will continue to be popular and what will quickly become outdated or considered “tacky”. Only listing relevant items as well as taking the previously-mentioned tips and tricks into consideration is sure to make your Amazon listing a top seller on the marketplace.

if you’re looking to increase your online conversion but still feel you are not sure where to start – check out these resources below:

8 thoughts on “How to Successfully Sell Jewelry on Amazon”

  1. avatar of jessica

    This guide offers practical advice for craftsmen like me looking to expand sales on Amazon. The tips on photography, along with the advice on creating detailed and engaging product descriptions, have helped me present my jewelry more effectively.

  2. avatar of dic

    As a digital marketing expert, I found this article on Amazon jewelry sales thorough and informative. It provides a deep dive into the nuances of the Amazon marketplace, offering valuable tips on building brand presence and customer trust.

  3. avatar of seth

    Found this guide on selling jewelry on Amazon incredibly insightful. It offers a well-rounded approach, covering everything from crafting compelling product descriptions to navigating Amazon’s SEO. The section on leveraging Amazon Ads was especially enlightening.

  4. avatar of veronica

    This article is an essential read for anyone entering the Amazon jewelry market. It masterfully combines marketing techniques with practical e-commerce advice. The focus on customer engagement and competitive pricing strategies is exactly what new sellers need.

  5. avatar of evoni

    I’m amazed by the power of color psychology in product photography. It truly influences the way we perceive and respond to products.

  6. avatar of clara

    Exploring How to Successfully Sell Jewelry on Amazon has been a game-changer for my business. The detailed strategies on product presentation and listing optimization are exceptionally helpful. I particularly benefitted from the insights on effective photography and keyword strategy for my Amazon listings.

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